IEC/TR 61000-1-8 Ed. 1.0 en:2019

IEC/TR 61000-1-8 Ed. 1.0 en:2019 Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1-8: Phase angles of harmonic current emissions and voltages in the public supply networks - Future expectations

standard by International Electrotechnical Commission - Technical Report, 01/16/2019

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IEC TR 61000-1-8:2019, which is a technical report, provides information about the current conditions, and project future developments, of prevailing phase angles, predominantly for the 3rd and 5th harmonic currents, on public supply networks. This objective is accomplished by monitoring a number of networks, and efforts to forecast the effects of changes in technologies. This document presents information to guide the discussion about the effectiveness of potential mitigation techniques and the generalisation of effects of the prevailing angle positions of selected current harmonics. This document mainly deals with the phase angles of the 3rd and 5th harmonic currents, but also contains information about other harmonics.
Keywords: 3rd and 5th harmonic currents, phase angles