BS EN 17116-4:2019

BS EN 17116-4:2019 Specifications for industrial laundry machines. Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics. Washer-extractors

standard by British-Adopted European Standard, 07/16/2019

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Full Description

This document defines the characteristics of washer-extractors and gives the usual test methods forthese characteristics with regard to machine capacity, power consumption and productivity. It isapplicable for use as a reference in the drafting of purchasing orders for washer-extractors whose netusable cage volume is 400 dm3 (litres) respectively 40 kg and above. In addition, it is recommended for determination of energy consumption and productivity according to Directive 2009/125 EC.Furthermore, the document describes standard methods for measuring principal performancecharacteristics of washer-extractors. It does not cover safety requirements (see EN ISO 10472-2).

Cross References:
ISO 15797:2017
ISO 7211-2:1984
DIN 4754 (all parts)
EN 12127
EN ISO 15797:2018
EN ISO 2061
EN 676
ISO 9398-3
ISO 9398-1
ISO 2267
EN ISO 3759
DIN 38409-23
EN 1049-2
ISO 2060
ISO 3759
ISO 4312
ISO 139
DIN 61101-1
EN ISO 2060
ISO 2061
EN ISO 139
EN 1773
ISO 10472-1
EN ISO 13934-1
ISO 80000-1
EN ISO 10472-1
EN 50160
ISO 10472-3
IEC 60734
EN ISO 10472-3
ISO 10472-2
EN ISO 80000-1
DIN 53923
EN ISO 10472-2
EN 60734
DIN 38409-1
IEC 60038
EN 60038
IEC 60204 (all parts)
ISO 13934-1

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.