BS EN ISO 13666:2019

BS EN ISO 13666:2019 Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle lenses. Vocabulary

standard by British Standard / European Standard / International Organization for Standardization, 03/26/2019

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Full Description

BS EN ISO 13666:2019 defines terms relating to ophthalmic optics, specifically to blanks, finished spectacle lenses and fitting purposes.

Terms relating to processes and material for fabrication and surface treatment (other than some specific terms relating to coatings), and terms relating to defects in materials and after optical processing are given in ISO 9802.

Cross References:
ISO 11664-2
ISO 11664-1
ISO 8429
ISO 4007
CIE S 017:2011
ISO 8980-3
ISO 9802:1996 Ed 1
ISO 7944:1998 (R09)
ISO 21987:2017
ISO 24157:2008
ISO 8598-1:2014
ISO 20473:2007
ISO 8624:2011

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.